We will build a mobile application, a website or an online store for you

At Floweb, we create technological solutions tailored to your unique business. We offer global online sales, mobile application development, and full automation through AI. Ready to take your business to the next level? Join us and realize your idea!

E-commerce: Your sales without boundaries

Our professional online stores eliminate geographical barriers and provide the opportunity to sell products worldwide. By combining the latest e-commerce trends with an individual approach to your business, we create sales platforms that convert visits into sales.

AI Automation: The future of business today

By utilizing artificial intelligence, processes in your company can become faster, more efficient, and more precise. Our AI solutions will help you automate the most time-consuming tasks so you can focus on what's truly important - the development of your business.

Mobile Applications: Your Company in the Customer's Pocket.

We create highly functional and attractive applications for iOS and Android platforms. Our apps not only stand out from the competition but, most importantly, increase user engagement, build customer loyalty, and contribute to the growth of your business.

UI/UX Design: We Create Experiences, Not Just Images.

Our UI/UX design services focus on creating interfaces that are not only visually appealing but, most importantly, intuitive and user-friendly. As a result, users are more inclined to use your product, which translates into greater success for your business.

Dropshipping: An easy path to E-Commerce success

With us, dropshipping becomes easier than ever before. We assist in full process automation, allowing you to focus on what's most important - building relationships with customers and crafting effective sales strategies.

Custom software on demand

Our custom software services include creating advanced IT systems, which we tailor to the specifics of your business. As a result, your company gains tools that increase work efficiency and facilitate the management of business processes.

What are people saying about us?

Our top priority is Your satisfaction from the project.


Everyone’s favorite answer -> It depends. For simple websites, it can be just a few days. On average, it takes 1-2 weeks. Online stores can be set up in 2-4 weeks. Mobile applications require a much greater effort and regular software testing, resulting in a timeframe from 30 to 90 days.

We create solutions that allow for intuitive management of online stores and websites without the knowledge of advanced coding. The engine we most commonly use is WordPress, as it does not require monthly fees or unnecessary subscriptions.

First, we agree on all the requirements related to functionality and project design. In the initial phase, we present draft versions of the project for feedback. Once tailored to individual needs, we make adjustments. We then move on to the final versions, in which the last graphic refinements and content will remain. Only after the final approval is the project released to the world.

Yes, our teams have experience in creating online stores on various platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

Absolutely, our e-commerce solutions include tools for tracking key indicators, such as site traffic, conversions, and sales.

Application maintenance costs can vary depending on the size of data transfer. However, for AWS servers, the costs for small and medium-sized applications are typically in the range of a few zlotys per day.

Yes, our teams are experienced in creating applications for both platforms. Depending on your requirements, we can develop native or hybrid mobile apps.

Yes, we have experience in creating intuitive and appealing user interfaces. Our UI/UX design services include user research, prototyping, usability testing, up to the final design.

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products without the need to have a physical warehouse. After receiving an order, you purchase the product from a supplier, who then ships it directly to the customer. Our services include full automation of dropshipping processes.

Yes, we offer comprehensive SEO services.


Yes, we offer full support after the software release, including updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

We use a range of AI technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, to automate various processes, from customer service and data analysis to operational optimization.

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