Mobile Application Pricing

NOTE: These are sample prices. The final price of the application may vary after detailed analysis. All payments can be broken down into up to 60 installments.


Basic mobile application for Android and iOS with essential functionalities.
  • Custom UI/UX graphic design
  • Responsive mobile design
  • Completion time: 30 days
  • Number of screens: 5
  • Icon Design
  • Google Maps Integration
  • Upload to Play Store - Android
  • Upload to App Store - iOS
  • Connecting an advertising account
  • Admin Panel
  • Application screens mockup on the latest smartphones
  • In-app purchases
  • Number of products: 0
  • Courier integrations
  • Cyclic subscription card charges from customers
  • Loyalty program


Mobile application for Android and iOS + In-app purchases.
  • Custom UI/UX graphic design
  • Responsive mobile design
  • Completion time: 45 days
  • Number of screens: 15
  • Icon Design
  • Google Maps Integration
  • Upload to Play Store - Android
  • Upload to App Store - iOS
  • Connecting an advertising account
  • Admin Panel
  • Application screens mockup on the latest smartphones
  • In-app purchases
  • Number of products: 10
  • Courier integrations
  • Cyclic subscription card charges from customers
  • Loyalty program


Mobile application for Android and iOS with advanced functionalities.
  • Custom UI/UX graphic design
  • Responsive mobile design
  • Completion time: 90 days
  • Number of screens: 50
  • Icon Design
  • Google Maps Integration
  • Upload to Play Store - Android
  • Upload to App Store - iOS
  • Connecting an advertising account
  • Admin Panel
  • Application screens mockup on the latest smartphones
  • In-app purchases
  • Number of products: 100
  • Courier integrations
  • Cyclic subscription card charges from customers
  • Loyalty program

Most popular functionalities

Emphasizing the company's prestige with a mobile application

Imagine your company gaining a reputation as a modern and innovative organization through its own mobile application. This not only showcases your commitment to the latest technologies but also serves as evidence that you are a leader in your industry, investing in the best solutions for your customers.

Original loyalty system as a competitive advantage

Examine how your mobile application attracts and retains loyal customers through a unique loyalty system. Notice how 65% of customers choose your company because you offer something others don't - an original loyalty program. This not only increases customer engagement but also translates into their consistent loyalty and regular use of your services.

Convenient booking for your customers on any device

Imagine the satisfaction of your customers when, thanks to your mobile application, they can easily and quickly book services directly from their smartphones. Regardless of whether they are using Android or iPhone, they enjoy the convenience of using your app. Notice how this increases customer loyalty and translates into a growth in reservations.

Customer interaction through the application

Imagine how your mobile application enables easy and quick communication with customers. Direct notifications, swift responses to questions, and the ability to personalize offers are just a few of the benefits. This modern communication channel enhances customer satisfaction and builds strong relationships.

Data analysis for a better understanding of customers

Consider the valuable insights into your customers' behaviors and preferences that you can gain through a mobile application. Analyzing this data will allow you to better understand your target audience, enabling you to tailor your offerings to their needs and boost sales.
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